Meditation teaches us to go inward, to focus on something other than our external circumstances, and to learn about where we are and what we need.
These mini meditations will guide you through breathwork, visualization, and introspection. Use them however they will best serve you— first thing in the morning, between sessions, before an interview, at the end of a full day.
mini meditation: Soften
Allow yourself to breathe a little deeper, find the stillness in this moment, and let go of what you’ve been holding on to.
mini meditation: ReFocus
Envision the path you’re on, where you’ve been, and where you’re headed. Bring your attention into this moment so you can intentionally move forward into whatever is next for you.
mini meditation: ReGround
Notice the support that you have in this moment, become aware of yourself as you exist here in this universe, and feel rooted in the constancy of who you are.
mini meditation: ReEnergize
Bring energy and power and attention back to yourself, using your breath to give life back to the areas where you need it most.
mini meditation: Take a Moment
When something unexpected, emotional, or overwhelming happens, take a moment to give voice to your breath. Discover all that is steady within you as you attend to your inhales and exhales.
mini meditation: Return
Draw yourself back to stability. Rest in the ease of your own breath as you release all that you don’t need in this moment.
mini meditation: Expand
Visualize the entirety of your being expanding, taking up more space, in confidence and breath.
mini meditation: Notice
Take a few moments, become fully aware of what’s around you and what’s within you. Use your breath to acknowledge your experience in this moment.